Posting Guidelines

There are a few guideline you must follow when posting a comment (or entry if you get to!).

First: Your name

In the name box, enter your name like this: First Name Last Initial, Period This is important! You want the points, don’t you? For example, my name would be Jon F 2.
For security reasons, DO NOT use your whole name. If you would like an avatar to show up when you post comments (a little picture), you will need to create your own WordPress blog (easy and free) then add your avatar. Again for security reasons, DO NOT post a real picture.

Second: Your email

You will need an e-mail address (for responses, notifications, etc.). I use this to contact you if there is a problem or question. Use a valid email address that you check often. Invalid email addresses result in deleted comments and no points! There are numerous free email services out there if you need one. I recommend gmail or yahoo.

Third: Your website

URL or Website is your personal website, like your myspace or blog. This is optional.

Fourth: Your comment

Answer the “Posting for Points” question. Points are awarded based on a 4-points rubric.

    4 points: Question answered with great detail. Application examples are given when appropriate. Calculations are correct. Correct grammar and punctuation.
    3 points: Question is completely answered. Examples are given when appropriate. Calculations are correct. Few grammar and punctuation errors.
    2 points: Question mostly answered. Calculations are correct. Few grammar and punctuation errors.
    1 point: Question not answered. Several grammar and punctuation errors. Incomplete/incorrect calculations.

This blog is available to the whole world, so make sure you double and triple check your post before you submit!

On occasion there will not be a “Posting for Points” question. Comments are still allowed, but a maximum of 2 points will be awarded.

Finally, you can only post 1 comment per entry for points.

In general-

-Discuss what you learned in class. Be specific.

    -Give your own example or apply it to something.
    -Use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
    -If you are sharing a website, copy and paste it if you don’t know HTML tags.
    -Never disrespect someone in your post.
    -Sharing frustrations is OK, but blaming someone is NOT OK.

Remember, this is the only extra credit you can get in my class, so take advantage of it!