Another change in plans

Hello everyone. You may notice that those last 2 posts do not have questions. It was my goal with this semester as with last semester to keep on top of posting our class events and getting feedback from you. I have enjoyed reading all 1400 comments so far this year. At this pace, we would hit over 3000 comments, with just 3 classes! Last year there was 3300 comments with 5 classes. This is truly amazing. I think this blog had a lot to do with how well we did as a class on the fall final. Not only that, but due to the increased traffic to the website, I’m now hit #1 on Google!

However, I am juggling too many things right now. At school I’m trying to update blogs, add moodle activities, grading papers, grading benchmarks, making lesson plans, and all the other stuff associated with being a teacher. At home I am trying to keep up with my 2 sons’ activities, write my Master’s Thesis on Educational Technology (50+ pages of writing and research), as well as prepare our home for a new baby due to arrive in June. I can’t keep up with it all.

So I have decided to use the blog only for listing HW and the day’s activities. But don’t worry, we will still have our posting for points! I will be using the forums on Moodle to create discussion on our current topics of study. This has benefits that the blog does not. For one, you can see your “grade” for the comment. This will then give you an opportunity to fix/add to it. It is also more of a discussion, so dialog can go back and forth if needed. It will be easier for me to track so I won’t have 110 emails I have to read and record. Plus with the practice benchmarks on Moodle, a calendar for upcoming dates, and all the other features, it just makes sense.

So thank you all for the comments. Happy Moodling!


Filed under Misc

14 responses to “Another change in plans

  1. Billy p6

    I still havent had a chance to get onto moodles because i keep losing my password and account info

  2. sammy R per 6

    It’s okay Mr. F I understand I have many problems and I have a lot of stress right now…I hate no doing anything

  3. Alyson H 4

    Awww a new baby:D

  4. Anthony S. 4

    just in case i forget to mention it on friday…
    i just checked my grade and i have an F because supposedly I am missing assignments 2 and 3 but you just handed them back today and both have been checked and marked as complete, why does it say they are missing?

  5. Hey Mr. Fjelstrum….on my grade it says that I have a B 80.0 % because I missed an homework assignment but I turned it in and I did it on time it was just that I came in late and forgot to show it to you…….will my grade change back to an A???? And you said that you would post the grade we got on our test but it wasn’t on their…so I would like to know when it will be on their…Thank You……and I am happy for you and your wife about the Baby!!!! Congradulations!!!

  6. Janet A. P5

    Congrats on the new baby. Tell your wife I said congrats. Which do you want a boy or a girl?

  7. Edward B. Per.5

    Hey Fjelstrom, whats all this talk about a baby oh well thats cool if your son gets a little bro or sis.
    Well i kno I’m leaving a comment but i don’t know how i’m going to get points for what I’ve done here well I’ll comment back later i guess.

  8. Erik F. per. 5

    Very cool Mr. Fjelstrom, congratulations on the arrival of your new born son. Thanks for the A from last report card. It is what got me into CSF.

  9. Alex F Per. 4

    Mr. Fjelstrom, congratulations.

  10. Alex F Per. 4

    Your baby will have a great geometry teacher at his or her hand.May your days be merry and bright.

  11. rebecca k. per 5th

    thats cool all the comments your getting and im happy that ur having a baby well umm not u of course

  12. Rodolfo

    I am still under a lot of stress trying to get my grade up in your class but I just keep failing things that I think I know.

  13. rabia q per 4

    i need help in benchmark 25 and 32 i don’t get it.

  14. Jacob